Hi darlings! Wow, it’s been a minute since i’ve came on here and wrote a blog. 2020 has been one crazy year. Started the year off great with so many incredible things planned and then, the world got hit with Covid, and all plans, all adventures, all travels went on a hold. 2020 had me all discombobulated and just stuck at what I can and can’t do. With my job relying on going out and creating content, I was so limited on where I was able to go to shoot and brands were on hold due to shipment issues.. it was definitely a struggle but, we got through it!
2021 hasn’t changed much yet but, I came into this year with a different mindset from the past, set realistic expectations and haven’t made any specific plans for the year, pretty much going with the flow and hoping for the best! One of my favorite things i’ve done in 2020 and continue to do in 2021 is writing down my thoughts, goals, achievements, my blessings, and what I’m thankful for. This is great to look back to and see what’s changed, what hasn’t and what you need to work on to get to that goal. I have tons and tons of journals and notebooks that I jot down notes into but I recently got the cutest journal from @IPSY which has me all jaunty!
With the first month of 2021 almost down I just want to encourage everyone to always see the light in every situation ( even if it seems impossible to do so at times ).. You are in control of y o u r life. If things are constantly going left.. steer directions and go right. If your plans and goals are not moving forward know that sometimes it takes longer than expected and you may need to try different techniques to achieve those goals.
So, I just want to say, I hope you all have a wonderful year filled with tons of blessings! Don’t give up and always be thankful for what you have. Life is unpredictable and you never know what’ll come next, never get too comfortable and always be ready for change. Stay safe babes! ♡
Whether you are a new follower or have been following me for a while I just want to say I appreciate you all for reading my blog and following my journey. I cannot thank you guys enough!
Please feel free to email me at info@gigigumrika.com
or, find me on Instagram @Gigigumrika
Till the next blog..
Xx Gigi