Why blogging? Heres a short explanation of why..
1. Growing up I had endless notebooks, diaries, and journals to write what I was feeling and doing. Most children love having journals to write in and get over it once their older.. but me, I never stopped. Till this day I have so many journals and notebooks I write in to express what I’m feeling, thinking, and doing. Wether its what I did that day, what fashion ideas I have in mind, or just life advice for others if they ever saw my journals etc. I just loved it. Anyone that knows me knows how obsessed I am with journals. They just hold so much value to me for the future because I know I can fill those pages up with valuable information and memorable experiences.
2. Photos. I love being photographed. I love dressing up to go somewhere nice and take photos wether its of me or whats around me. With my boyfriend whom I’ve been with for 5 plus years being a photographer/filmmaker he turned that spark into flames.. he loves taking photos and I love being photographed it works out perfectly. Photos/videos also hold so much value because its memories all held inside a photo/video. I love looking back and my photos and remembering what we did where it was located and the great times I had.
3. My boyfriend. He is probably the main reason why I started blogging because I was always hesitant in doing so. I never felt fully confident enough to start it because well, I just needed that extra push and assurance. And he definitely pushed and supported me all the time. He goes above and beyond for me and I am sooo blessed and lucky to have him. Basically, our days together consist of spending quality time, getting coffee and finding new places to go out and take photos. He’ll spend hours editing the photos and I’d hours looking through them deciding which we should post. ( We get 300 or more photos within a days shoot so imagine how hard it is to choose which one to post when their all so dang good haha ) Basically, He is the one who pushes and supports me endlessly and I wouldn’t be where I am today and do what I love the most if it weren’t for his support and love.
4. I love meeting new people and learning about others. Wether its meeting new brands, followers, business owners or just people you happen you meet on the street I enjoy it! Im a strong believer that the more people you engage with and get to know the more you learn in life. I was never one to have a big group of friends growing up but the older I got the more I gained better communication skills and started connecting with people more wether its having similar passions or completely different. I love being able to talk to a variety of people and still find a small thing to connect on and supporting each other.
5. Inspiring other with positivity and kindness. This is a huge one for me because I only want people who inspire and are positive in my life. I never understood why people spread hate or enjoyed criticizing people on social media but seeing so much of that had opened my eyes and rang a bell. Why not use one of the greatest tools created to share and shine kindness and positivity.. Social Media. Its the perfect platform to show the world inspiration through my eyes my creativity and within that share positivity. And guys I cant say it enough when I get messages of people getting inspired by something my bf and I have created it makes us feel so so so good. its just a feeling you cannot describe!
6. Last one I want to mention is Social Media. This ties in with #5 but I love the concept of having to share what you want when you want no rules attached. You have full control of what to post and find your own niche. I have to admit I am a social media addict. I love scrolling through peoples feeds hyping them up and just sending good vibes to everyone. I enjoy spending time to get good quality content to post in hopes to inspire others.
Adding all these passions and interests you get one thing. Blogging. Its going to be hard at first and its definitely going to be time consuming but I’m dedicated and excited to share my life and inspire you all.
Whether you are a new follower or have been following me for a while I just want to say I appreciate you all for reading my blog and following my journey. I cant thank you guys enough.
Please feel free to email me at info@gigigumrika.com
or, find me on Instagram @Gigi.gumrika
Till the next blog..
Xx Gigi