Hi babes!! Its been a minute since my last blog but I am back and so excited to be writing to you guys again!
These past few months i’ve been super busy with l i f e. With my sister getting married in about a week, work, social media and just life I’ve been using my time so much more wisely to make sure each day is spent to the fullest and as productive as possible! When life gets busy you start to notice the things/people that are draining you or holding you back from doing what you can be or are able to do. I’ve cut so much time from people and things I’ve realized aren’t helping me move forward and once I did, girl, everything changed! Have you ever felt the feeling of a huge weight off your shoulders? Whether it be from a job, a person or a thing but once you let it go or cut ties you realize how much more you’re able to do? Thats exactly how I feel!
I posted an Instagram post a bit ago and just dipped my toes in the topic of surrounding yourself with more positive people who motivate you and people who are just generally good to and for you. After that post I got so many Dm’s from you guys who related with that post and just wanted to chat about your experience with letting toxic people go and it was so nice hearing from you guys! I’m all about seeing good in people and forgiving and forgetting but to a certain extent! I definitely want to keep a good relationship with everyone but unfortunately sometimes some people are so toxic and negative that it just outweighs the good and you have no choice but to let go. And letting go isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it may seem tough at first but you’ll see such positive changes if you just give it some time. Life is full of limitless possibilities so don’t let people limit it for you!!
On that note remember.. Change can be sunshine if you let it in.. (:
Whether you are a new follower or have been following me for a while I just want to say I appreciate you all for reading my blog and following my journey. I cant thank you guys enough.
Please feel free to email me at info@gigigumrika.com
or, find me on Instagram @Gigi_Gumrika
Till the next blog..
Xx Gigi